Do you feel like you’re on a constant rollercoaster of parenthood?

Some days this is energising, others it is downright exhausting.


We've been there and we are there, so we've created these programmes to help both the big and little kids ;)


Mama Mojo

Are you wondering if there is more to you than just being “insert-your-child’s name” mum? Are you constantly suffering from mummy guilt, trying to do everything but feeling like you’re not achieving anything? Our Mama Mojo coaching programme with BOUNCE will help you to work out what is important to you, find your balance and rediscover the real you.


Bounce for kids

At Bounce it’s not just the big people we want to help. We are passionate about building the resilience and wellbeing of all the little legends out there. We use the RELAX Kids relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help children manage their emotions, reduce their worries and boost their confidence.


Are you ready to think about you again?


About us

Caroline is a mum of 3 boys, a business owner, home schooler, a chauffeur, a cook, a cleaner, and knows first hand how challenging it is to get things right. To keep juggling all those balls. To get the balance right between work and life. Through Bounce for Families Caroline creates space for families to reconnect, and shares tried and tested tools to boost emotional wellbeing.

A little bit of Bounce for families